Prepare Now and Stay Safe: Facing Hurricane Hilary

Satellite image of Hurricane Hilary approaching the coast of California.

As Hurricane Hilary advances towards the West Coast, the importance of preparation and proactive measures cannot be overstated. The storm threatens to bring flash flooding, strong winds, and the potential for mudslides to areas spanning southern California, southern Nevada, and western Arizona. To ensure the safety of yourself, your loved ones, and your property, it's vital to take action now. In this blog post, we'll delve into the key steps you can take to prepare for Hurricane Hilary and navigate its challenges with resilience.

Gather Essential Supplies

In the aftermath of the storm, being self-sufficient for several days is crucial. Stock up on essentials such as food, water, medications, and other supplies to sustain you and your family. Consider creating a comprehensive emergency kit that addresses the needs of your household, including any necessary items for your pets or service animals. Here are a few key items to include:

  • Food and water
  • Medications and first aid kit
  • Flashlight
  • Battery-powered or hand-crank radio
  • Whistle for calling for help

Stay Informed: Heed Emergency Alerts

Local authorities may issue evacuation orders or instructions to stay in place. Staying informed and receiving emergency alerts in real time is vital to responding effectively to these directives. Keep a vigilant eye on local emergency information and alerts, and ensure you're signed up for weather updates from the National Weather Service.

Secure Your Home Against Flooding

Mitigating flood damage to your home requires proactive steps. Even just an inch of floodwater can lead to significant destruction. Before the expected flood, consider these actions to safeguard your property:

  • Safeguard important documents by making copies and storing them in a waterproof container or secure digital space.
  • Move valuable belongings to upper floors or elevate them off the ground level to reduce potential water damage.
  • Elevate major appliances using concrete blocks to protect them from water exposure.
  • Clear debris from gutters and downspouts to ensure proper water flow, preventing roof leaks and seepage.
  • Utilize temporary flood barriers like sandbags, inflatable floodwalls, and flood skirts to reduce the risk of water entering your home.

Navigating Flood Safety

During a flood, safety is paramount. Remember these critical flood safety tips:

  • Avoid walking, swimming, or driving through floodwaters.
  • Refrain from crossing bridges over fast-moving water, as they can be swept away.
  • If trapped in a car surrounded by rapidly moving water, stay inside and get on the roof if necessary.
  • Seek the highest level of a building if trapped, but avoid closed attics to prevent becoming trapped by rising water.

Additional Risks to Consider

Hurricanes bring various risks beyond flooding. Here are some additional hazards to keep in mind:

Power Outages:

  • Create an inventory of items reliant on electricity.
  • If you require critical medical equipment, coordinate with your power provider for priority power restoration.
  • Use generators outdoors and away from windows.
  • Safely dispose of perishable food if the power has been out for over two hours.
  • Discard refrigerated medications if the power outage persists for more than a day.


  • Watch for sudden changes in water flow near streams and channels, which can signal potential landslides.
  • Avoid river valleys and low-lying areas.
  • Refrain from crossing roads or bridges with fast-flowing water or mud.
  • Move uphill quickly if you find yourself in the path of a landslide.

Caring for Others

Remember that not everyone can prepare as effectively. Check on your neighbors to offer assistance or information, ensuring that everyone is as prepared as possible.

With Hurricane Hilary approaching, the time to prepare is now. By gathering supplies, staying informed, securing your home, and understanding flood safety, you can enhance your readiness to face the challenges the storm may bring. By being proactive and informed, you are taking the necessary steps to protect yourself, your loved ones, and your community. To learn more about hurricane preparedness, visit and stay safe during Hurricane Hilary and any future storms.